Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the Art Beginnings units in the Layers of Learning curriculum.
Art Beginnings is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the Art Beginnings book. Here is a free printable cover to accompany your Art Beginnings PDF units.
What is Art?
- What is Art? YouTube Playlist
- Art All Around Us – a magazine that examines the art that exists around us
- Art is Everywhere Watercolor Sheet
- Khan Academy – Why Art Matters
Art Supplies
- Art Supplies YouTube Playlist
- Art Mediums Lesson and Quiz from Study.com
- We Make Carpets website – This team of artists create art from mixed mediums of found objects
- How ancient Egyptian artists made their brushes and paints with an activity to try.
- Links about Sculpting To Compare – Carving, Modeled Sculpting, & Pottery Wheels
- Khan Academy – Museums in History and Creating and Conserving
Art Elements
- Art Elements YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Elements of Art
- Geometric Art by Piet Mondrian
- Online tangram builder
- A gallery of tangram puzzles to solve
- Elements of Art Quizlet
Principles of Design
- Principles of Design YouTube Playlist
- Beach Ball Review Game about the Elements of Art and Principles of Design
- Principles of Design Online Quiz
Prehistoric Art
- Prehistoric Art YouTube Playlist
- Interactive Global Petroglyph Map
- Images and descriptions of rock art from around the world.
- Virtual Tour of Lascaux
- El Castillo Cave website
- Khan Academy’s Prehistoric Art
Art & Early Civilizations
- Art & Early Civilization YouTube Playlist
- Mesopotamian Art Digital Flashcards
- Interesting Facts about Ziggurats
- Storynory’s Audio Version of The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
- Tour of the Pyramids at Giza
- Smithsonian Magazine: Uncovering Secrets of the Sphinx
- The Terracotta Army DK Find Out Site
Ancient Art Around the World
- Ancient Art Around the World YouTube Playlist
- Haniwa Facts For Kids
- SmartHistory’s site about Stupas
- Quiz about the Great Wall of China
- National Geographic Kids’ Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Greek Art
- Greek Art YouTube Playlist
- How to sculpt a person from clay
- Watch Oedipus Rex performed
- DK Find Out’s Greek Art for Kids
- Free printable article for kids to read about Greek art
- Quizlet about Greek pottery styles
- The Met’s Collection of Greek and Roman Art
Roman Art
- Roman Art YouTube Playlist
- Read about ancient Roman art from Ancient History Encyclopedia.
- Take a high school level survey of Roman Art from Khan Academy’s Smarthistory humanities series.
- Mr. Donn’s History Website (this page includes Roman myths)
- Browse Roman Mythology at Mythopedia.
- Watch Seneca’s Medea being performed