Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the People & Planet units in the Layers of Learning curriculum. Check out our Amazon store for fun geography resources to accompany this course.
People & Planet is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the People & Planet book. Here’s a link for a free printable cover to accompany all of the People & Planet PDF units.
Maps & Globes
- Maps & Globes YouTube Playlist
- A fun, easy worksheet about the difference between maps and globes for very young children
- A small dry erase world globe you can write on and erase during geography lessons
- Use these online quizzes to memorize the continents and oceans
- Click on the interactive map of the continents to learn facts about each continent
- Several fun online activities about continents
- An article with pictures about the parts of a map that you can read with your child
- A free mini booklet for the youngest child’s mapping skills
- Royal Castle Floorplan printable map that teaches cardinal directions (N, S, E, W)
- Campground printable map that teaches cardinal directions (N, S, E , W)
- A tough Jeopardy style quiz game about maps for older kids
- Read an article about how archeologists make maps and why
- Print a giant world map. With a super sized map, you can add so many details. This is a great project for older kids to direct themselves.
- TheTrueSize.com – A website where you can select locations and compare them to the true sizes of other places on the earth.
- Article about an innovative map more closely based on the globe
- Africa YouTube Playlist
- Landforms Quiz
- Digital Landforms Memory Game
- Website for kids that explores landforms
- Website with lots of African Folk Tales to read
- 20 African Recipes to Try
- BBC’s News and Current Events from Africa
- Africa Flashcards and Quizlet with Basic Facts
- Travel Guide to Africa by National Geographic
- DK Find Out about Africa
- Live Webcam at a watering hole in Kenya
- Asia YouTube Playlist
- Natural Disasters World Data
- Red Cross Emergency Advice
- Countries of Asia Quizlet
- Asian Geography Quizlet
- Mt. Everest for Kids
- Asian Animals from National Geographic Kids
- Asia Facts for Kids
- DK Find Out About Asia
- Asian Recipes
South America
- Oceania YouTube Playlist
- Oceania Games
- Oceania Countries Quiz
- Great Barrier Reef Website
- Unesco’s Site on the Great Barrier Reef
- Glimpses of a Pristine Ocean – A TED talk by Enric Sala
- Article and video from National Geographic about hydrothermal vents.
- Oceania Fact or Fiction Quiz
North America
- North America YouTube Playlist
- An interactive site where you can observe the average climates of the earth all through the year.
- Play an online game where you memorize the countries of North America.
- North American Animals for Kids
- Facts and worksheet about North American animals
- Listen to North American Animal Sounds
- Online North America Map Quiz Game
- North American Countries Quiz
- North America Ducksters
- Europe YouTube Playlist
- This website tells the stories of people around the globe who have struggled to get clean water for drinking and bathing.
- The True Size Of…Website – This will help you compare the size of Europe to other places
- European Landmarks Quizlet
- The Louvre
- Europe Facts for Kids
- DK Find Out – Europe
- European Geography Games
- World Geography Games – Europe
- European Countries Quiz Game
Polar Regions
- Polar Regions YouTube Playlist
- Visit the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) to find out what to pack, how to get there, and what to do while you are there.
- Take a virtual tour of Antarctica. Click on a map to see 360 deg views of locations around the continent.
- Visit Antarctic and Southern Coalition’s website to learn about Antarctica, including about the kinds of ice, the land under the ice, life in Antarctica, the oceans, and more.
- Polar Bear Tracker. See where and when polar bears live and move through the year in the arctic.
- Games Inuit children play.
- How big is Antarctica compared with the United States?
- Polar Lands Flashcards and Quizlet
- Cool Antarctica – polar animals website
- Virtual Tour of Port Lockroy in Antarctica
- World Oil Map
- Read about tides from the National Ocean Service
- Tide Wheel
- National Geographic’s Ocean Portal
- Let’s Talk Science: Ocean Zones
- Ocean Crafts Inspiration for Kids
- National Geographic Coral Reefs
- PBS Kids Splash & Bubbles Oceans
- Ocean Activities for Little Ones
- Monterey Bay Ocean Site
- Smithsonian Institute’s Educator’s Corner about Oceans