Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the Middle Ages Arts units in the Layers of Learning curriculum.
Middle Ages Arts is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the Middle Ages Arts book. Here’s a link to a free printable cover to accompany all of your Middle Ages Arts PDF units.
Early Medieval Art
- Watch the YouTube playlist for Early Medieval Art
- Khan Academy sections for this unit, including quizzes ( see the Library List within the unit for more specifics)
- Read this article from Smarthistory about Byzantine art
- Visit the National Gallery of Art online and view the collections of Byzantine art (click the links on the right)
- View Byzantine art at the Met Museum
- Read an article about Carolingian art from Khan Academy
- Read an article about Carolingian art from Smarthistory
- Read an article about iconoclasm and view Byzantine icons
- An article with interactive elements for kids about scribes and book making
- View examples of illuminated manuscripts from the British Library
- Website with free clipart of illuminated letters
- View many examples of illuminated manuscripts from the Mount Angel Abbey collection
- Read an article from Smarthistory about Viking age art
- View many examples of Viking art from the Metropolitan Museum
Islamic Art
- YouTube playlist for Islamic Art
- Khan Academy: Art History of the Islamic World 640 to Now
- A printable lesson plan and book students complete by adding illustrations of Islamic art.
- Read this article about the history of stained glass
- Ducksters Site about Islamic Art
- Islamic Art Coloring Pages
- BBC Site on Islamic Art
- Islamic Art Quizlet
- Khan Academy Article about the Great Mosque of Isfahan
- 3D Virtual Reality Mosque Tour
East Asian Arts
- YouTube playlist for East Asian Arts
- Khan Academy: Art of Asia
- Overview of Ancient Chinese Art for kids (Many of these art forms persisted beyond ancient times, so this is an applicable resource)
- How to draw a Chinese dragon
- Chinese kites
- Site about Asian architecture
- Site explaining the Busshi of Japan who made Buddhist statues
- Quiz about Asian art
- National Museum of Asian Art – Browse the exhibitions and take the quiz
- Read all about the top ten most famous Chinese paintings
- East Asian Art Quiz
- Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art
Art of the Islands
- Art of the Islands YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy AP Art History: The Pacific
- Britannica’s Oceanic Art and Architecture article
- Manua Tahitian Art
- Kapculture.com – Website of a Samoan artist who also acts as an ambassador for arts at the Polynesia Cultural Center and beyond
- Aboriginal Art Facts for Kids
- Museum of New Zealand Website
- How to Draw an Island tutorial
- How to Draw Moai Statues tutorial
Late Medieval Art
- Late Medieval Art YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy Humanities Course – Romanesque
- Khan Academy Humanities Course – Gothic Art
- Ducksters – Middle Ages Art and Literature for Kids
- Mental Floss article about why babies looked old in paintings during the Middle Ages
- Stained Glass Online Game
- Links to lots of Medieval art
- Medieval Art Quizlet
- Romanesque Art Quizlet
- Gothic Art Quizlet
- Tip: Search on the Apple or Google Store for Stained Glass Puzzle Apps
Medieval Stories
- Medieval Stories YouTube Playlist
- One version of Blondel, the troubadour’s story of how he saved the king
- The Miracle of the Virgins – A miracle play in which St. Nicholas provides three young women dowries so they are able to be married
- “Everyman” Reader’s Theater
- Recorder Instructions and Sheet Music
- The Canterbury Tales site for kids
- The Canterbury Tales Prologue Quizlet
- The Legend of King Arthur Trivia
- King Arthur’s World – online game
- King Arthur coloring pages
Art of the Americas
- Art of the Americas YouTube playlist
- Khan Academy: Art of the Americas to World War I
- DK FInd Out Site about the Aztec Sun Stone
- Site about Tenochtitlan
- Totem animals and their meanings
- Website that shows upcoming Pow Wows and allows you to search by location
- A collection of Native American legends
- Ducksters: Mayan Art for Kids
- Native American Art article
- Virtual Tours of Galleries to check out
- Olmec Art by the MET
Early Renaissance
- Early Renaissance YouTube playlist
- Khan Academy: Renaissance Art in Europe
- Ducksters Renaissance page and quiz
- The Uffizi Gallery website
- The Arnolfini Portrait from the Gallery of London
- Kids Discover: Renaissance
- Early Renaissance Art from the National Gallery of Art
- Lesson from the Getty about color in Renaissance art
- Artyfactory’s Italian Renaissance article
- Culture Trip’s Introduction to Renaissance Art in 12 Works
- Early Renaissance Trivia Quiz
High Renaissance
- High Renaissance YouTube playlist
- Khan Academy: Renaissance Art in Europe
- Study guides for some of Shakespeare’s plays
- SparkNotes includes Shakespearean play helps
- Website exploring whether or not Shakespeare really wrote all his plays
- Renaissance Artists and Ninja Turtles
- Renaissance Art Quiz
- Art and Artists of the Renaissance Quiz
- Renaissance Art Jeopardy