Tips & Resources
All sorts of tutorials on using Layers of Learning and on homeschooling in general.
Read, Do, Show: How to Structure an Effective Homeschool Lesson
Every Layers of Learning unit includes a Library List, a selection of Exploration, and a Show What You Know Section. These three sections are the pattern that an effective homeschool lesson or unit should follow. First students read to get information, then they do a hands-on activity to create memorable hooks for the information, and […]
Read MoreYour Kids Deserve to be Taught Geography
Sometime between the 1960s and 1970s in the United States the teaching of geography and history was melded into something called social studies. The purpose was to teach students time and place in a unified way to help them see a picture that was tied to the society they live in today. Whatever the intent, […]
Read MoreThe Best Science Curriculum For Homeschools
The best science curriculum for homeschools teaches science literacy and teaches future scientists how to do science. It should integrate the scientific method, experiements, “recipes”, reading, and notebooking.
Read MoreThe Best Homeschool History Curriculum
The best homeschool history curriculum has four ingredients: it is chronological, interesting, connects to the human story, and connects to the student.
Read MoreMy Homeschool Plan Free Printable
Homeschooling is a big deal. Your kids get one shot at growing up and the family children are raised in has a profound affect on their future employment, future relationships, and future happiness. But you are their parent for a reason. As long as you take a thoughtful approach and do your best, you’ll be […]
Read MoreFinding Your Why
Take a minute to write down WHY you are homeschooling. This may seem unimportant, but I can promise you that at some point in time you will appreciate the few minutes you took to write down WHY. A good WHY can get you through hard times and help you have joy in your homeschool.
Read MoreThe Layers of Learning Worldview Explained
We get asked often whether Layers of Learning is a Christian curriculum. The short answer is no. Most people interpret that to mean we are a secular curriculum. But both positions, Christian and secular, are particular worldviews, each with a definite set of agendas and a set of beliefs that color the way the information […]
Read MoreFour Year Cycle
The four year cycle is a method of organizing a curriculum or school course. Students learn the entire scope of history, geography, science, and arts over a four year period, then they repeat their studies twice more before graduation.
Read MoreComparing Classic Layers of Learning to NEW Layers of Learning
Here is a comparison between the Classic Layers of Learning, first released in 2010 and the NEW Layers of Learning first released in 2022.
Read MorePrinting Layers of Learning Units
If you purchased Layers of Learning units in the PDF form, you may want to print them, put them into a binder, and keep them together as a whole course. Psst! You don’t have to print the units though, learn how to use Layers of Learning straight from your tablet. You will need a 2 […]
Read MoreThe Magic of Family-Style Homeschooling
Family-style homeschooling means everyone learning together. Build relationships, encourage one another, learn happily. Together.
Read MoreHow To Use “Great Books” In Your Homeschool Painlessly
Great Books are the best books in literature of all time. They have big important ideas and you can read them in your homeschool.
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