Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the Art Beginnings units in the Layers of Learning curriculum.
Modern Arts is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the Modern Arts book. Here is a printable binder cover for Modern Arts.
- Romanticism YouTube Playlist
- Ducksters Site on Romanticism
- John James Audubon – Biography and Works of Art from the National Gallery of Art
- Beethoven Unit
- Romantic Poetry Facts for Kids
- Neoclassicism Vs. Romanticism Questions
- Romanticism Quiz
- Romanticism Quiz by Ducksters
- Khan Academy – Romanticism
Latin American Art
- Latin American Art YouTube Playlist
- SmartHistory Lesson on Geometric Abstraction in South America
- SmartHistory Lesson on WIfredo Lam’s The Jungle
- Amate Bark Painting Video Lesson
- Diego Rivera’ s Website
- Website about Diego Rivera’s murals, including The Uprising
- Article about Rivera’s murals and the controversy they stirred in the United States
- Khan Academy – Modernisms – Especially focus on Unit 7 about Latin American Modernism, Latin American Art: An Introduction,
- Realism YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Realism
- An article for children about Realism with a gallery of images to look at
- An article about Realism with a timeline of significant paintings
- “Why Gustave Courbet Still Has the Power to Shock” an article from the Independent
- An article and high resolution image of Degas’ Little Dancer sculpture
- A website where you can take a tour of Thomas Cole (Hudson River School) and his art
- A site where you can click on and enlarge Thomas Cole’s “The Course of Empire” series of paintings
- Impressionism YouTube Playlist
- The Met’s American Impressionism site
- Ducksters Impressionism Page
- Impressionism for Kids
- American Impressionists Matching Game
- Van Gogh in Motion
- Post-Impressionism Quizlet
- Who Painted What? Post-Impressionism Quiz
- Khan Academy – Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Modern Movements
- Modern Movements YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Modernisms – Especially focus on the first three units: A Beginner’s Guide to 20th Century Art, Fauvism and Expressionism, and Cubism and Early Abstraction
War Art
- War Art YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Modernisms – Especially focus on Unit 4, Unit 6, Unit 8, Unit 9, and Unit 10 that all reference art and war.
Abstract Art
- Abstract Art YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Modernisms – Especially focus on Unit 11 about Pop Art
- Contemporary YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Modernisms – Especially focus on Unit 13 about Post-Minimalism
Art & Technology
- Art & Technology YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy – Modernisms – Especially focus on “An Introduction to Photography in the Early 20th Century” inside of Unit 1.