Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the People & Place units in the Layers of Learning curriculum.
People & Place is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the People & Place book. Here is a printable binder cover for People & Place.
Southern Europe
- Southern Europe YouTube Playlist
- Read this National Geographic article on population pyramids
- Look up countries on the CIA World Factbook to see demographic stats and population pyramids
- Hover over country stats around the world on this interactive population map
- Read this article on the factors that affect population density
- National Geographic site on population density
- View a slideshow of the “Cheeses of Italy“, a tour of a few of the Italian provinces by the cheese they are famous for
- Ancient Athens 3D
- Interactive Acropolis
- Interactive Map of Troy
- National Geographic Croatia Country Profile
- Cyprus Facts for Kids
Andes Region
- Andes Region YouTube Playlist
- Read an article about urbanization from National Geographic
- An article about the push and pull factors of urbanization
- A list of games and books for mentors to use when teaching about cities
- Quiz yourself on the countries of South America
- Lots of facts and photos about llamas
- This store sells finger puppets made by Peruvian craftswomen
- Take a look at this Peruvian burial mask in the MET Museum collection
- Visit the official page of Tierra del Fuego National Park
- Article “Farming Like the Incas” about terraced farming in Peru
Saharan Africa
- Saharan Africa YouTube Playlist
- An article for kids about the four economic industries or sectors
- Step by step info about starting a business as a kid
- Info for parents about legal requirements for if your kids start their own business
- Play an online simulation where you start and run your own business
- Quiz yourself on the countries of Africa
- Excellent website about the Sahara Desert
- National Geographic article on the Nile River
- Read about the Atlas Mountains
- Click on the links under “The Road to Timbuktu” to see sights in Mali
East Africa
- East Africa YouTube Playlist
- A website that lists each country’s GDP
- Human Development Index explanation and data from the UN
- A paper by Nobel Prize winning economists on the institutional reasons some countries are poor and others are rich (for high school)
- Quiz yourself on the countries of Africa
- Watch this live cam of animals in Kenya
- Take a virtual tour of Serengeti National Park
- Explore this website where you can learn about the animals of Madagascar