Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the World Cultures units in the Layers of Learning curriculum.
World Cultures is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the World Cultures book. Here’s a link to a free printable cover to accompany all of your World Cultures PDF units.
- YouTube Playlist – Caribbean
- Ducksters – Central America & the Caribbean
- Britannica Site about the Caribbean Sea
- Caribbean Facts & Worksheets
- Jamaica
- History of the Caribbean
- A Caribbean Journey Quiz
- Kids Discover – Caribbean
- Caribbean Map Games
- Caribbean Geography Games
Central Africa
- You Tube Playlist – Central Africa
- Read this paper from the UN on systemic abuses in DR Congo’s justice system and consider the implication for the mores of its ruling class
- Read this speech by a doctor from DR Congo calling for a return to morality in his country (for ages 16+ with parental guidance – it is disturbing)
- How to draw an okapi
- Kinshasa street artists in costumes made of trash to highlight political and environmental concerns
- An article and images of Kinshasa street artists
- The “heartbeat” of the planet in the Bight of Biafara
- Wikipedia article about the Cameroon Line
Nordic Countries
- Nordic Countries YouTube Playlist
- Play a geography quiz game on the Nordic countries
- Iceland Facts
- National Geographic Kids: Iceland Country Profile
- Icelandic Christmas
- Norway Facts for Kids
- 25 Fascinating Facts about Norway
- Read this National Geographic article for kids about Norway
- Sweden
- 100 Sweden Trivia Questions & Facts
- National Geographic Kids: Denmark Country Profile
- Denmark
Indian Subcontinent
- YouTube Playlist for Indian Subcontinent
- Read this fascinating collection of statistics about how people across the world spend their time
- Quiz yourself on the physical features of the Indian Subcontinent
- Play an online game to name the countries of the Indian Subcontinent
- Explore Mount Everest with this 3-D map. You can also zoom out and see the entire Himalayan range.
- Hover over dots along a Himalayan highway map to see photographs of places along the route
- Look at a 3D image of a spot along the Ganges River
World Religions
- YouTube Playlist for World Religions
- View and explore an interactive map of the world’s religions
- Explore the URI Kids site about world religions
- Play a quiz style game about world religions
Amazon Basin
- YouTube Playlist for Amazon Basin
- Babelfish, a distraction-free online language translator
- An excellent printable worksheet set about dialects for high school
- Quiz on the location of countries of South America
- Take a 3D virtual look at the Amazon Rainforest
- Read this article about the Amazon Rainforest (it can also be printed as a PDF)
- Take an online quiz on the physical features of South America
Southern Africa
- YouTube playlist for Southern Africa
- A collection of online Greek myths to read
- Ancient Egyptian myths to read
- Welsh myths to read
- African myths to read
- Chinese myths
- Creatures from Japanese mythology
- Quiz yourself on the countries of Africa with this interactive site
- Take a virtual tour of Victoria Falls
- Here’s an article and images of the Ndebele houses of South Africa
Down Under
- YouTube Playlist for Down Under
- National Geographic Kids New Zealand and Australia
- Britannica Kids Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Australia
- Kids World Travel Guide Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea
- Play this online map quiz for the countries of Oceania
- An article for kids about the animals of Australia
- Take a virtual tour of the Great Barrier Reef
- Article with pictures about the Southern Alps of NZ
- A video about Tok Pisin, a language of Papua New Guinea
- Articles and pictures about Papua New Guinea’s wildlife
Central Europe
- YouTube Playlist for Central Europe
- Excerpt from a text book about the influence of Greco-Roman culture on modern western civilization
- Quiz yourself on the countries of Europe
- Take a video tour of Hohenzollem Castle in Germany
- Take a tour around Germany on this interactive map of German sites
- Read this article about the various breeds of Hungarian horses