Below you will find web links, extra printables, and other resources to use along with the Middle Ages History units in the Layers of Learning curriculum. Check out our Amazon Store to see fun goodies we recommend to accompany this course.
Middle Ages History is sold as a single volume and as individual units, which are like chapters within the Ancient History book. Get a free printable cover to accompany all of your Middle Ages History PDF units. Here’s a link to some fun Amazon finds to make this course extra fun!
Early Medieval Europe
- Early Medieval Europe YouTube Playlist
- A lesson about the debate over whether the dark ages were really dark, for high school students to complete independently
- Read an article about the six most important barbarian tribes in early medieval Europe
- A PDF with rules for more than a dozen games played by people in the Middle Ages
- Complete online copy of the Alexiad, a primary source history written by a Byzantine princess
- Online trivia games about the Byzantine Empire
- Byzantine Empire Walk The Plank game
- An online museum exhibit about the Vikings from the Field Museum, Chicago
- A virtual tour of a Viking Ship, as it would have looked kitted out for a crew
- Free printable Viking Longship Labelling Activity
- BBC’s Bitesize Viking Page
- DK Find Out – Vikings
- Learn about what life was like for Viking kids
- Brian Boru Board Game (*affiliate link)
Islamic Caliphates
- Islamic Caliphates YouTube Playlist
- Article by the Met Museum about Muhammad and the origins of Islam
- Islam Quizlet and Flashcards
- Twinkl Islam website for kids
- Website about the Mongol Sack of Baghdad
- Duckster’s History of the Islamic World
- Website that teaches about the five pillars of Islam
- Word Puzzles, Online Games, and more from Islam 4 Kids
- 12-Question Quiz to test your knowledge of Islam
- Quiz about the Islamic Golden Age
- Islamic History Trivia
- Ottoman Empire Facts and Worksheets for Kids
Asian Empires
- Asian Empires YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy Links: The Mongols, Song China, Medieval Japan, and Cultural Interactions Along Trade Routes
- Time Maps article on Medieval China
- Wood block prints
- A paper model of Angkor Wat
- BBC Article on Kublai Khan
- Quiz on Asia in the Middle Ages
- Excellent slideshow about the basics of China in the Middle Ages
- “Bedtime Stories: Samurai for Kids” Audio presentation
- Discover Kids about Samurai and Japan
- Kiddle: Mongol Empire
- Mongol Empire Quizlet
Pacific Peoples
- Pacific Peoples YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy: Oceania
- Khan Academy: Kupe the Navigator
- Kakadu National Park Website
- Tapa Cloth
- What are Tapa and Woven Mats – By the Natura; History Museum of LA County
- Polynesian Cultural Center Website
- Island Games to Play (also from the PCC Website)
- Map of New Zealand
- Hula in the Hawaiian Islands
- Ukulele Sheet Music
- Pacific Islands Quiz
- History of the Pacific Islands Quiz
High Middle Ages Europe
- High Middle Ages Europe YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy World History – On this page, search for these topics: European Middle Ages: Feudalism and Serfdom, The Great Schism, The Crusades, and Disease and Demography.
- Ducksters page about Middle Ages
- DK Find Out: Knights (includes a quiz too)
- Virtual tours of real castles
- Weebly look at Feudalism
- Online Middle Ages games
- El Museo del Verto, or Museum of Glass, that showcases Venetian glass
- Crusades Quizlet
- Bubonic Plague Quizlet
- Childhood in the Middle Ages
- List of Medieval Fairs in the U.S.
Medieval Britain
- Medieval Britain YouTube Playlist
- Robin Hood – Fact or Fiction?
- A PDF copy of the Magna Carta translated into modern English
- Read the Chronicles of Froissart: Wat Tyler’s Rebellion
- Read the letter that Joan of Arc wrote to the King of England in 1429
- William Wallace worksheets
- BBC Bitesize: William Wallace
- 70 Trivia Questions and Fun Facts about Joan of Arc
- Joan of Arc online or printable coloring sheet
- Ducksters – Wars of the Roses for kids
North American Peoples
- North American Peoples YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy: Maya, Aztec, and Inca & Khan Academy: Worlds Collide
- Ice Age Animals – Beringia
- Website about chinampas, the floating gardens of the Aztecs
- Legends of America site about Cahokia
- Article about the Rise & Fall of the Mayan Civilization
- Reverse Colonization: How the Inuit Conquered Greenland and Vanquished the Vikings
- Pre-Columbian America Quizlet
- National Geographic site listing primary sources for the Mayas, Aztecs, and more
- Maya Math Game
- Games and resources about the Maya Empire
- 110 Aztec Trivia Questions
- Game: Aztec Treasure
African Kingdoms
- African Kingdoms YouTube Playlist
- Read this article about Ogiso Arigho of Benin
- The History Channel’s 7 Influential African Empires
- Study.com Africa in the Middle Ages
- DK History: Medieval Africa
- Medieval Africa Quizlet
- Medieval African Kingdoms Map Quiz
- Kids Discover African Kingdoms
- Renaissance YouTube Playlist
- Khan Academy: The Renaissance
- Ducksters History of the Renaissance
- Kids Discover Renaissance
- 110 Renaissance Trivia Questions
- Can You Pass This Renaissance History Quiz?
- Renaissance Jeopardy
- The Renaissance Facts for Kids
- History.com’s Renaissance – articles, timeline, and more
- Top Ten Famous Renaissance Geniuses