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Join Karen, the little sister in the Layers of Learning duo, as she gets you started on the rght foot in her Guide for New Homeschoolers

Guide for New Homeschoolers

Welcome, New Homeschooler! I’m Karen.  I’m the little sister in the Layers of Learning duo.  I remember feeling like I was lost at sea when I was a brand new homeschooler.  I want to help you have a smoother start!

I know how absolutely terrifying and overwhelming it can be to start a journey at the helm of your kids’ education. I’ve been there. I remember THE MOMENT my husband and I decided to homeschool our kids. It was terrifying.  Now, it’s been over a dozen years, and we haven’t looked back. It’s been one of the best, most defining decisions of our family. Likewise, it has also been fraught with mistakes, fear, and doubt at times. After all, the most worthwhile things we do are seldom easy.

First, I’m hoping to make your journey a little smoother. Come along and I’ll try to answer some questions that might be lingering on your mind right now.  Go through the steps below with me and we’ll sort out a lot of your questions together.  When you’re finished, you’ll feel steadier.  I’m not promising it will all be easy, but it helps to have an overall plan, goals, and a clear picture of what kind of homeschool you’d like to have.


They say peace is not found in a calmer storm, but in a better boat. I was really lucky to have my big sister to call when I decided to homeschool. She already had a few years under her belt and answered my incessant questions every time I called her.  She helped me build my better boat.  Now I want to help you build yours.

Questions You Might Be Asking

First, let’s get started with some of the most common questions a new homeschooler asks. Finally, if other things come up along the way, e-mail me at or come find me on Facebook.

Step 1: Where Do I Even Begin?

Step 2: What’s My Homeschooling Style?

Step 3: How Do I Choose A Curriculum?

Step 4: How Do I Plan My Homeschool Year?

Step 5: How Do I Cover Everything?

Step 6: How Do I Keep Records?

Free Samples

Try family-style homeschooling now with free samples of four Layers of Learning units when you subscribe. You'll get to try family-style history, geography, science, and arts with your children.

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