Episode 76: Eliminating Distractions

Layers of Learning sisters, Karen and Michelle

The Layers of Learning Podcast with Karen and Michelle is here to help you get your whole family learning together in your homeschool. We are the sisters behind Layers of Learning. We love getting together to chat about homeschooling and this podcast is just a series of our chats. We’re inviting you to listen in on our conversations.

We both have big families, but we teach almost all of our school subjects to everyone at once. We want to help you find the joy in that too, so we talk a lot about family homeschooling. To see all of our episodes, visit our Layers of Learning Podcast Page. Join us as we explore how to have a happy, hands-on, family-style homeschool.

Eliminating Distractions

Distractions are one of the biggest complaints of homeschooling families. They can derail your whole day. The truth is, distractions are just part of life. They are going to happen, so the key is to manage them and manage your expectations. A lot of this will come down to managing both outside distractions that demand your time, attention, and energy and eliminating the distractions in your own homeschool. Prioritizing your own family and protect your school time. Your kids will thrive when they know you prioritize them. Prepare for your day ahead of time. Have your kids start reading in the morning while you take a few minutes to prepare for the day. Keep a consistent routine so everyone is ready to begin the day at the same time. There are some simple things you can do to keep your day flowing and keep distractions at bay.

Here Are A Few Topics You’ll Hear About In This Podcast

  • Eliminate outside distractions.
  • Treat homeschooling like a job and explain to people that you can’t do other things during your homeschool day.
  • Set boundaries and protect your school time.
  • Turn down the ringer on your phone.
  • Don’t make appointments that interrupt your school day.
  • Eliminate distractions within your home too.
  • Eliminate clutter.
  • Don’t have TVs or anything else that distracts you before school.
  • Take time to prepare your day ahead of time.
  • Keep a consistent routine so everyone knows what to do as the day progresses.
  • Make sure your lessons are at the right level for your kids so they can work well independently.

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