Episode 13: Homeschool Mom, Forgive Yourself

The Layers of Learning Podcast with Karen and Michelle is here to help you get your whole family learning together in your homeschool. We are the sisters behind Layers of Learning. We love getting together to chat about homeschooling and this podcast is just a series of our chats. We’re inviting you to listen in on our conversations.

We both have big families, but we teach almost all of our school subjects to everyone at once, and we want to help you find the joy in that too, so we talk a lot about family homeschooling. To see all of our episodes, visit our Layers of Learning Podcast Page. Join us as we explore how to have a happy, hands-on, family-style homeschool.

Homeschool Mom, Forgive Yourself

Homeschool Mama, it’s time to forgive yourself. You are juggling a lot of balls in the air all at the same time, and it’s inevitable that some of them are going to drop sometimes. In Episode 13 Michelle and Karen are talking about some ways to overcome the debilitating guilt that comes with motherhood. Homeschool moms wear even more hats, which makes mistakes and faults feel like even more of a burden. Learn some strategies for seeing your mistakes in a new light and begin to recognize the real consequences of your mistakes and how you view them. Most of all, love yourself through each and every day. After all, every day is new, with no mistakes in it. Make the most of your fresh starts!

Here are a few of the topics you’ll hear about in this podcast:

  • Forgive yourself. Wallowing in failure keeps you stuck, but forgiveness is the ticket to moving forward.
  • Homeschool moms have an overwhelming number of responsibilities and it is impossible to do them all perfectly. Change your expectations.
  • As moms, we have a narrow definition of failure: Not meeting every single expectation we put on ourselves. We create unrealistic expectations of what defines our success and failure in our minds.
  • Examine the consequences of your day-to-day failures. They might not be as huge as you are making them in your mind.
  • Recognize that failure is part of the learning process. Dismiss guilt and embrace remorse and the ability to change that it provides. Model learning from mistakes instead of stewing and remaining stagnant in your failures.
  • Let the little failures go and give yourself a fresh start every single day. If you can master this mindset you can forgive yourself.
  • Acknowledge that not all of your failures are even within your control.
  • Our definition of success changes as we grow. We have ever-higher expectations of ourselves. Mistakes can be the source of that growth and are simply a learning process, not a failure.
  • We only fail when we quit.

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