This exploration is for all ages, as the colored smilies show. You can make travel brochures about all sorts of places with your whole family together!
These printable travel brochures are part of a geography exploration that is featured in several of the Layers of Learning units. The first time you are introduced is in People & Planet: Maps & Globes, the very first geography unit , but they are also used in many other geography units. Layers of Learning has hands-on experiments, explorations, and fun printables in every unit of this family-friendly curriculum. Learn more about Layers of Learning.
Travel brochures are a great way for kids to record information about beautiful places around the world. With the internet, it’s really easy to find travel information, but it’s still more fun to search it out in a library book, and it’s even more fun still to go find a travel agency. They have lots of free full-color brochures and cool insider information. And when you make your own travel brochure, you’re sure to remember all those fun facts you learn as you put them in one place.
Step 1: Library Research
Before you begin exploring, read a book or two about the place you are learning about. Atlases or geography books containing all the countries of the world are a great starting place, and you can also search for books about the specific continent, country, state, province, region, or landmark you are focusing on from your library. Here are some suggestions for books we really like. The colored smilies above each book tell you what age level they’re recommended for.
As Amazon affiliates, the recommended books and products below kick back a tiny percentage of your purchase to us. It doesn’t affect your cost and it helps us run our website. We thank you!
Geography of the World
by DK
Countries of the World
by DK
The Travel Book
by Lonely Planet
Step 2: Travel Brochure
All you need to make this is the free printable travel brochure and any art supplies you want to use. You can print pictures from online, cut some out of brochures you got from a travel agency, or draw your own.
Kids can choose a place, find out all about it, and then create their own travel brochure describing what it’s like, the fun things to do there, and why they would choose it for a destination spot. There are also blanks for drawing or cutting and gluing pictures of their vacation spot.
Step 3: Show What You Know
Everyone can show off and share their destinations and brochures with each other. You can even make a few copies of your work and distribute them to the members of your family.
Additional Layers
Additional Layers are extra activities you can do or tangents you can take off on. You will find them in the sidebars of each Layers of Learning unit. They are optional, so just choose what interests you.
Writer’s Workshop
If you want to get really creative you could even use it as a history activity. (Imagine you were a European getting ready to travel to America for the first time during its colonization. Maybe you’re a knight heading to the Holy Land for a crusade. Perhaps you’d like to visit the Egyptian pyramids during their construction phase.) Pick a time period and a place and you’ve got a history activity as well.
Additional Layer
Make a map of your destination to go along with your brochure. You can draw the map on the back side of the brochure so it is double-sided.
Additional Layer
Video a travel commercial to accompany your brochure. Use it to convince others to travel to the destination on vacation. How convincing can you be?
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Just used this for my 6th grade world cultures class. You rock!
I am a special ed teacher and this fits perfectly into my I Love NY unit, What else do you have that works so well in my classroom
The link on the post is working perfectly, so you can just link on the picture and it will take you right to the printable pdf.
All the best,
It should be in your inbox. We fixed the link too. Thanks!
Hello ,
I love the printable and would like for you to send me the Lind to the newspaper link and the brochure. I teach 5th grade and I can use them . Thanks soooo much!!!!
You can get the printable by clicking on the text link or by clicking on the image of the printable. Here is the direct link to this printable brochure:
Hi Diane,
Check your inbox!
just found this and cant wait to use it tomorrow for my World History class!! It is going to be a travel brochure for wither Sparta or Athens!
Sounds cool! Glad we could help. And thanks for being an awesome teacher.
The paper you made was awesome! I don’t really know what to do in the explaining part below the travel brochure to ____ ( picture ) then the lines. Would you please explain?
You just draw pictures of some place in the world and then write interesting things about it. The blank lines can be filled with anything you like. The purpose is to get your kids researching and excited about places around the world while practicing researching and writing skills.