Ancient History: A Family-Style History Program Paperback


Ancient History is an activity based course from Layers of Learning about the earliest civilizations. It is for ages 6 to 18 to learn together, family-style. We begin in 3500 BC with Sumer and end with the fall of Rome.

Availability: In stock (can be backordered)

Ancient History is a history course that covers the beginnings of civilization until the fall of Rome. In it students will learn about people all over the planet including Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Students learn what happened in the past, identify the patterns of human behavior, and learn to relate the past to the present and their own lives.

A Pick-and-Choose Curriculum

A mentor uses Ancient History to custom tailor learning to the students. The mentor chooses from among the library book recommendations, video recommendations, and activity ideas presented in the book. Mentors and students learn together as they read, watch, craft, cook, play, and create.  To complete the activities you will need craft supplies and some household items. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom.

Nine Month-Long Units

Ancient History  includes nine units, one for each month of your school year.

  1. First Civilizations
  2. Ancient Egypt
  3. Ancient China
  4. Bronze Age Near East
  5. Iron Age Near East
  6. Ancient India
  7. Ancient Europe
  8. Ancient Greece
  9. Ancient Rome


Each unit intentionally contains more information and activities than you will be able to complete. The mentor chooses among the options to design a course just for his or her students. Then, in four years, once the entire Layers of Learning cycle has been completed, you all return to the book and do new activities at a higher level of learning. This course was designed for multiple ages or abilities of students to learn together in a homeschool or classroom and contains activities that will appeal to little ones and to high schoolers, often at the same time.

Inside look at the Bronze Age Near East unit

Digital Printable Pack

A Printable Pack of worksheets, paper crafts, foldables, maps, and activities is included with this book. Your Printable Packs can be downloaded from your receipt at Layers of Learning or retrieved from your account.

Bronze Age Near East Printable Pack
A zip file of nine Printable Packs, one for each unit, comes with the purchase of the Ancient History course.

Student Journal

As students learn about world history they are asked to assemble their own Book of Years. You can purchase printable or paperback copies of the Book of Years. If you prefer you can use an art sketchbook to make your own.