Marble Roller Coaster Challenge
Here’s a hands-on physics experiment. Challenge your kids to get a marble to travel through a roller coaster made with a foam pipe.
Family-Style Homeschooling
Here’s a hands-on physics experiment. Challenge your kids to get a marble to travel through a roller coaster made with a foam pipe.
Learn about the Bill or Rights with a matching game, a first amendment poster, and some second amendment shooting practice.
Bill of Rights Games & Activities For the Family Read More »
Learn about the scientific method and design your own experiment using the principles you learned. Plus grab the experiment write up sheets to record your results.
Ojo de Dios is Spanish for “Eye of God.” This woven artwork was created to watch over the Huichol Indians. Learn about the symbolism of the design and create your own using yarn and craft sticks.
Use the printable puppets to retell the Greek myth of Baucis and Philemon. This tale is from Metamorphosis by Ovid, the source of most of our Greek myths.
How To Make Baucis and Philemon Puppets, A Greek Myth Read More »
The Greeks were famous for their beautiful pottery. Useful art was a trademark of their civilization, which became so advanced that they could make their useful items – dishes, weapons, and even their buildings – into pieces of art. Learn about Grecian urns and design your own in their style.
Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian, wrote a book called The Prince. It is dedicated very ingratiatingly to Lorenzo Di Piero De Medici. Machiavelli outlines, very confidently, how a ruler should behave in his or her role over their people. He argues that the ruler needs to act with the end goal in view while using any
Learn to write newspaper articles, then create your own newspaper using this printable newspaper article template.
Making your own travel brochures is a great way to have a place really stick in your mind. Explore the most interesting things you might see and include them all in your printable tri-fold brochure.
Wayang shadow puppets have been used in Bali and Java for thousands of years to put on Wayang plays. Hang up a backlit bedsheet and use the printable puppets to create your own Wayang play as you learn about Southeast Asia.
Print and play a game to help you learn about medieval Indian Ocean trade routes. You can play this game with all of your children at once.
Print and Play a Medieval Indian Ocean Trade Routes Game Read More »
There’s likely cave art somewhere near you, and there’s nothing quite like seeing ancient art up close. Here’s a list of places with cave art as well as more ideas for learning about some of the earliest art on earth.
Where to See Cave Paintings In Person in North America Read More »