
Layers of Learning Science is a series that focuses on teaching scientific principles through hands on projects, experiments, and activities. Students learn the scientific method by doing original research and experimentation and by copying the discoveries of already known scientific laws and theories.

Layers of Learning is hands-on and family-style. All ages of students from 6 to 18 can learn together. Learn more abut how Layers of Learning works.

Pick a course. Each course is for one school year and can be used with all of your children from 6 to 18 years.

Student Journal

Spine Recomendations

We recommend you buy a science spine to go with Layers of Learning. You can use the spine as your basic information or just for when you can't get to the library. Choose just one of these. The chapters and pages to read from these spines are included in the Library List within the units.

Clicking on the cover will take you to Amazon where you can purchase the book. These are affiliate links.