Unit 2-3 PDF


There is an updated version of this curriculum. Learn about the differences between the Classic and NEW Layers of Learning.

This is a downloadable PDF product.

  • History: Islam
  • Geography: Arabian Peninsula
  • Science: Clouds & Precipitation
  • Arts: Creative Kids

Layers of Learning Unit 2-3 is a complete unit study for history, geography, science, and the arts.

  • History: Islam
  • Geography: Arabian Peninsula
  • Science: Clouds & Precipitation
  • Arts: Creative Kids

Layers of Learning Unit 2-3 includes the story of Islam, beginning with Mohammed and the Hejira, then on to mosques, the Islamic caliphates, the five pillars of Islam and the importance of prayer to the Muslims.  The geography focuses on the landscape and culture of the Arabian Peninsula and the countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Quatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates.  Then in the science section you’ll learn cloud identification, how clouds form, warm and cold fronts, and how snow forms.  Creative Kids is a section that appears once in each year and gives kids a chance to use their creativity to develop an open ended project. We give new ideas in this unit of places to jump off with your creativity.

In each unit you’ll find a recommended library list, important background information about each topic, and lots of activities to choose from for kids of all ages.  Sidebars include a bunch more ideas including Additional Layers, Fabulous Facts, On The Web, Writer’s Workshop, Famous Folks, and Teaching Tips.  Printable maps and worksheets are included with each unit and may be printed as often as needed for your family or class.

Age Range: 6-18

Grade Level: 1-12

Pages: 58

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