Sample Lessons

These sample lessons are examples of the sorts of things you will find inside our Layers of Learning Curriculum. They are hands-on, engaging, and interesting. They’re also intended to be a springboard for taking you onto more “layers” of learning for your family as you explore the library, online resources, and further related topics. The explorations you’ll find here include library lists and additional layers, elements also included inside our units for sale.


An Effortless Roll-A-Kandinsky Expressionist Art Lesson

This exploration is for all ages, as the colored smilies show. You can do the Roll-A-Kandinsky exploration with your whole family together. The Roll-A-Kandinsky art exploration is from Layers of Learning Unit 4-8 about the art movement called Expressionism. Within the unit, you will find lots more hands-on projects and explorations to help your family…

Blueberry Muffin

Writing Instructions with Blueberry Muffins

Bake some blueberry muffins as you learn how to use precise language to write instructions your readers can replicate. Recipes are a great set of instructions to learn this writing skill with.

Watercolor painting of the sunshine

How To Teach About Stars With Sun Catchers

This sun catcher craft is from the sidebar of Layers of Learning Unit 1-2. It is an add-on activity to help you explore even more than what’s in the unit while you learn all about stars.

Native American Sand Painting

Enchanting Navajo Sand Paintings You Can Make

Explore the beliefs of the Navajo and other Native American tribes, then create your own sand painting with this simple combination art/history lesson.

PVC Rocket

How To Build a PVC Rocket

Build a pvc rocket with your family and explore how rapidly expanding gases can create a great deal of force.

World War One Legend of the Battle of Mons

Construct a Model of the Miraculous WWI Battle of Mons

This post has a printable timeline of World War One to assemble as well as a hands-on 3D map to build of the first battle of World War One, the Battle of Mons. There’s a cool legend about angels protecting the British.

US state maps presentation

Smart Ways To Complete U.S. State Maps

Get maps of each of the fifty states in the United States, learn how to create different kinds of maps, then grab more free printables. You’ll find a free statehood notebooking page, state Scattergories game, and U.S.A. BINGO.


New Year’s

Here are a few ideas to spice up your homeschool to celebrate New Year’s this year.


Valentine’s Day

Spice up your homeschool this Valentine’s Day with these lovey, heart-riddled ideas for fun and learning.

colored easter eggs


Spice up your homeschool at Easter time with these fun, engaging ways to learn about Easter.


Free Halloween Fun and Lessons for Homeschoolers

Here are some fun activities to spice up your homeschool at Halloween. Cheesecloth Ghosts Use an empty 2-liter bottle, a pipe cleaner, and a ball of foil to create a ghost form. Drape a piece of cheesecloth over the top and arrange it how you would like, making sure to have flat edges around the…



Here are some ideas to spice up your homeschool at Thanksgiving time. Countdown! Craft a creative turkey with linked legs to help you count down the days until Thanksgiving. Begin with a link for each day between now and Thanksgiving. Tear off a link each day until they are gone and the big day is…