Writer's Workshop

Writer's Workshop is focused on helping kids get their ideas onto paper. The mechanics an grammar are there, but secondary to creativity and crafting beautiful thoughts.

Writer's Workshop is a complete writing program for ages 6 to 18. Multiple ages and abilities can be instructed in writing together. Learn more about the Writer's Workshop method.

Mentor Guide

This is a guide for the mentor to learn the Writer's Workshop method, set up Writer's Notebooks, and evaluate student writing. We highly recommend purchasing and reading this before beginning Writer's Workshop.

Full Writer's Workshop Course

Writer's Workshop consists of nine units, which are for all ages from 6 to 18 and can be used repeatedly, year after year. The full Writer's Workshop course contains all nine units. It can be purchased as a paperback, a PDF download, or on Kindle.

Writer's Workshop Course Components

These are the nine units contained within the Writer's Workshop course. Here they can be purchased one by one as stand alone units.

Writer's Workshop Add-ons

The units below are extra add-on parts of Writer's Workshop, not included in the full Writer's Workshop course. Research Paper is for older teens, 15 and up, to independently write a major paper as a semester long course. Word Work is a spelling and vocabulary program for ages 6 to 18.

Student Journal

The Writer's Journal is a private place for young writers to record their thoughts, make lists, brainstorm, write story ideas, pound out rough drafts, and generally get ideas down on to paper. The Writer's Journal is an essential part of Writer's Workshop and every writer needs his or her own notebook. Choose between spiral bound paperback and PDF versions.

Printable Pack

The Printable Pack is included with every Writer's Workshop version above, except the Kindle. If you purchase the Kindle version or if you purchase Writer's Workshop elsewhere you can retrieve the Printable Pack, below, with the coupon code inside your copy.